Ironite Plus Lawn and Plant Food 12-10-10


Ironite Plus Lawn and Plant Food 12-10-10 is a mineral supplement food for gardens, shrubs, roses, trees, and flowers. Contains essential secondary and micronutrients for strong roots and lush green growth. Ironite Plus Lawn and Plant Food 12-10-10 is a well-balanced fertilizer blend with added iron, designed to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage in lawns, plants, and gardens. Its nutrient composition, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, supports vigorous growth, strong root development, and optimal flower and fruit production. The added iron content addresses iron deficiency issues, ensuring lush green foliage. With its numerous benefits and convenient application, Ironite Plus Lawn and Plant Food 12-10-10 is an excellent choice for gardeners and landscapers looking to enhance the health and vitality of their plants.

<a href=”;amp;_encoding=UTF8&amp;amp;tag=agrica-20&amp;amp;linkCode=ur2&amp;amp;linkId=9e05122c04b3b4f64a080296e62b8283&amp;amp;camp=1789&amp;amp;creative=9325″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-500″ src=”” alt=”” width=”150″ height=”55″ /></a>


